2014年9月24日 星期三

高中文法:易混淆文法 : 複合式形容詞3

今天要談的 易混淆的高中文法 : 複合式形容詞)

我們要注意的一點, 平常我們的看主動或被動的句子都以主詞為基準, 然而在複合式形容詞, 要強調或形容的字是以 複合式形容詞後面的單字決定是主動, 還是被動. 後面的名詞如有主動的意思, 在複合式形容詞 Ving, 名詞被動語意, 那麼 複合式形容詞為 Ved(過去分詞)
He is a Chinese-speaking person. (Chinese中文的人是person(), 是主動說一個語言, 所以speak()的動作, 就必須是Ving(動名詞)


1. 名詞(N)+動名詞(ving) +名詞(名詞決定主動 People 主動講一個語言)
    例如: English-speaking people are all over the world.

2. 名詞(N)+過去分詞(Ved) + 名詞(名詞決定為被動 Girlheart是被傷的broken)
    例如: She is a heart-broken girl because she was dumped by her boyfriend.


3. 形容詞(adj.)+動名詞(ving)+名詞 (名詞決定主動)
    例如: She is a pretty-looking girl. (girl本身是漂亮, 所以用 Ving (動名詞)

4. 形容詞(adj)+過去分詞(ved)+名詞 (名詞決定為被動)
   例如: There is a ready-made desk. ( 一張現成的書桌, 書桌本身不會自己製作, 是被人製作, 所以用 made 過去分詞)


5. 副詞(adv.) +ving (動名詞) + 名詞
   例如: She has a well-affecting experience.

6. 副詞(adv.) +ved (過去分詞) + 名詞  
例如:  He set a easily-achieved goal.


7. 形容詞(adj) + ving (動名詞) +名詞
例如: He owns a good-profiting business.

8. 形容詞(adj) + ved (過去分詞) + 名詞
例如: He owns a nice-paid job.

英檢會話反覆學 Unit Two

1. Do you have any best friend?

Yes, ___________ is my best friend because he/she is nice to me.

2. Who is your best friend?

= My best friend is ____________ because he/ she is nice to me.

3. Do you like to eat steak? Why or why not?= Yes, it is delicious.

= No, my mother told me not to eat.

4. Where do you usually go shopping?

= I usually go shopping at supermarkets and night markets.

5. When a person says, "Thank you." to you, what should you answer?

= You're welcome.

6. How are you?

 = I'm fine, thank you. And you?

= I'm so so.=I'm all right.

7. How's everything?

=Everything is great.

8. What's up?

= OK! I'm OK. 

= Nothing wrong.

= I lost my pencil.

9. How have you been recently?

=I have been very well.

= I have been very busy.

10. What's going on?

= Nothing. It\s OK.

11. How are you doing?

= I'm fine, thank you. And you?

=I'm doing well.

= All right.


       acrobatic gymnastics---技巧運動
  athletics/track & field---田徑
  boat race---賽艇
  bobsleigh, bobsled---雪橇
  canoe slalom---激流划船
  downhill race---速降滑雪賽,滑降
  dragon-boat racing---賽龍船
  figure skating---花樣滑冰
  gliding; sailplaning---滑翔運動
  Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤
  gymnastic apparatus----體操器械
  hold, lock-----揪鈕
  horizontal bar-----單杠
  hurdles; hurdle race----跨欄比賽
  huttlecock kicking---踢毽子
  ice skating---滑冰
  item Archery---箭術
  mat exercises---墊上運動
  modern pentathlon---現代五項運動
  mountain bike---山地車
  parallel bars---雙杠
  relative work---造型跳傘
  relay race; relay---接力
  roller skating----滑旱冰
  side horse, pommelled horse---鞍馬
  ski jump---跳高滑雪
  ski jumping competition---跳高滑雪比賽
  table tennis---乒乓球
  walking; walking race---競走
  wall bars---肋木
  water polo----水球
  weightlifting ---舉重
  weights ---重量級
  winter sports -----冬季運動
  wrestling --- 摔交
  yacht --- 遊艇

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2014年9月23日 星期二

高中易混淆的文法5 : 準關係代名詞 than / as 的用法

在關係代名詞裡, 所謂的 "準關係代名詞" 應該是就另人混淆的, 除此還要很用力的去記住它, 而要記住的方法, 不外乎 |" 造句".

(一) Than 的用法

條件1: than 當作 (關係代名詞)時, 先行詞前的 形容詞或副詞 一定有  比較級.

條件2: than 可以當作是( 關係代名詞)中的    主詞或 受詞. 

例句1:  (than 當主格)

 She bought more food than was able to be eaten.


                此句的 more 是比較級,  解為: She bought more food                   她買較多的食物.

               than 是關係代was 的主詞, than was able to . 此句的                    was able to 是 "能夠" , was able to +被動語態 (be                        eaten) 因為食物是被吃, 所以用被動語態, 整句的意思                是: ( 她買的食物多過她所能吃的.)

例句2:  (than 當受格)

She bought more dresses than I could afford.

* more 為比較級, than 為afford 的受格. Afford + 洋裝

affort提供得起,  more dresses than 比.....過多的洋裝

I could afford. 我提供得起.

所以整句的意思為: 她買的洋裝超過我能負擔得起. 這意思是, 我負擔不起她買的洋裝. 

(二) as 

關係代名詞 : as的用法有幾個條件: 

條件 1: 用在非限定用法.

條件2: 先行詞是一個句子, 而不是一個名詞.

條件 3:
as 可以放在 "主要子句"前面後面, which 只能放在 "主要子句"的後面

條件4 :
as 後面若有 be-V 可以省略, 但是  which 後面的 beV 不可省略.


Michael Jackson was a great singer in 21 century , which  / as every knows.

= As every one knows, Michael Jackson was a great singer in 21 century.

As (was) expected, the weight lifter from Taiwan broke the world record in weightlifting item. 

高中文法 (易混淆): 4 Opinion , point of view, to my mind 的用法不同

Opinion ,  point of view, to my mind 的用法不同, 

解釋為"以我的觀點....../ 我認為......是:

基本上有 四 個片語 可解釋為 :

"以我的觀點....../ 我認為......是:"

From my point of view= in my point of view

(my point of 前的介系詞是 from, 不是 in)



=from my point of view

= from my viewpoint

=in my opinion

= to my mind

= I am of the opinion that....



==>  From my point of view, I think everyone should do                        recycling to protect our environment.

         =From my viewpoint, I think everyone should do                            recycling to protect our environment.

          =In my opinion, I think everyone should do                                     recycling to protect our environment.

         =To my mind, I think everyone should do                                        recycling to protect our environment.

         =I am of the opinion that everyone should do                                   recycling to protect our environment.


英檢會話反覆學 Unit one

英檢會話重反覆學 Unit one

1. What's your name?

= My name is ___________________.

2. What's your last name?

= My last name is ______________________.

3. What's your family name?

=My family name is ______________________.

4. What's your mother's name?

= My mother's name is ___________________.

5. What's your father's name?
= My father's name is ______________.

6. What's your brother's name?
= My brother's name is _____________.
=I don't have any brothers.

7. What's your sister's name?
= My sister's name is_________________.
=I have no sisters.

8. Do you have any best friends?
=Yes, his name is Hank.

9.  What's your best friend's name?
= His name is Hank.

10. What's your homeroom teacher\s's.


2014年9月22日 星期一

初級全民英檢寫作重點整理 5

初級全民英檢寫作重點整理 5

1. You will not be allowed to attend the party.  You must be formally dressed.
You _____________________________ unless ____________________________

2. Tom is twenty years old.  Sam is forty years old.
Sam is _____________________________________________ as Tom.

3. Mary is beautiful.  Sue is beautiful.
Mary is ________________________________ Sue.

4. Gina has three hundred dollars.  Eve has one hundred dollars.
Eve doesn’t have ____________________________________ Gina does.

5. You should treat her nicely, or she will break up with you.

6. The moon goes around the earth. It is true that.
That ________________________________________________________________.

7. Gina is too smart to do that dull thing. (…..so ……that….)
8. You have to study hard. You want to pass GEPT test. (If……, …..)

9.      I’m surprised at the news. ( The news ………)

10.  My boss is satisfied my working . ( My working ……)

11.  He has to study math tonight. He has to study English tonight.  (….not only..but also..)

12.  He doesn’t want to go shopping.  He doesn’t want to see a movie. (neither …or)

13.  Tina walks to school sometimes. She takes a bus to school sometimes. (..either..or..)

14.  She is too young to be a teacher. (……so…..that….)

15.  She is so short that she can’t reach the bookshelf. ( …too…to..)

16.  She is not smart, but she always gets good grades on the test. (Although…)

17.  Toby didn’t go to school last Monday because he was sick. (…so…)

18.  Mr. Wang wants to go to the US. He also wants to go to the UK. (…both…and..)

19.  Alice is 163cms.  Anna is 156 cms.  Amy is 159cms. (Amy is….)
= Alice

= Amy

20.  Mrs. Lin is older than Mr. Lin.

21.  She is not tall enough to be a basketball player. (….too ….to …)

22.  She didn’t study hard enough, so she didn’t pass the exam. (…because…)

23.  She drew the picture happily yesterday. (The picture…..)

24.  My teacher is very busy.
My teacher is correcting our exam mistakes.

25.  Our dad has fun.
Our dad is fixing the computer.

26.  They have wonderful time at Kenting National Park.
They play some water sports.

27.  My brother had a difficult time.
My brother did his math homework.

28.  You should study hard.
You can get good grades. ( As long as…)

29.  If you want to get to a good high school, you have to make effort on studying.
= Unless

30.  No matter what he said, I don’t believe him. (Whatever…..)




1.      I like to work with Mary. I have a great time,
I have a great time _____________________________________________________

2.  John is the smartest in his class.
John is __________________________________________ in his class.

3.      Mary works the hardest in our school.
Mary is ____________________________________________ in our school.

4.      Finney is taller than Minny
Minny is ____________________________________________ two girls.

5.      Scott is stronger than Bill.
Scott is _____________________________________________ tow boys.

6.      Amy works out at the gym three times a week.
How_______________________________________________ at the gym.

7.      Greg goes to the library once a week.
How ______________________________________________ to the library.

8.      Peter and John are going to stay in Japan for two weeks.
How ______________________________________________ in Japan.

9.      Gina is going to study English for one hour at cram school.
How ______________________________________________ at cram school.

10.  Why did Billy move to Singapore last month?
Tell me ___________________________________________________________

11.  When will your sister go home?
Do you know_______________________________________________________

12.  Does John do well on his English test?
I am not sure ________________________________________________________

13. Has our teacher been to the USA before? (if)
I don’t know _______________________________________________________

14. Paul goes to school by bus every day.
How______________________________________________________ every day?

15. Tanya goes to work by car every morning.
How ___________________________________________________ every morning?

16. My teacher went to Taipei by train yesterday.
How _________________________________________________ yesterday.

17. My father went to the USA by plane last week.
How_________________________________________________last week.

18. The little boy is too young to learn to read.
The little boy isn’t ___________________ enough ____________ read.

19. My grandfather is too old to climb the trees.
My grandfather isn’t __________________ enough ____________ climb the trees.

20. Why did Peter refuse to do that work ?  Would you please tell me?
Would you ________________________________________________________

21. What did Gina do yesterday morning? Would you please tell me?
Would you _________________________________________________________

22.  Jimmy showed me the watch.  Jimmy’s uncle gave him the watch as a birthday gift.
Jimmy showed me______________________________which__________________

23. You help me deal with the problem. Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for _______________________________________________

24. You cleaned my room for me. Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for _______________________________________________

25. James goes to the gym every morning. James wants to lose some wieght.
James ________________________ in order to ______________________________

26. I got up early this morning.  I want to catch the first train.
I __________________________ in order to ________________________________

27. The report was very difficult to write. I finished writing the report.
I _______________________________ though it ____________________ write.

28. She is fond playing the piano.
She __________________________ to play the piano.

29. He is fond playing computer games.
He ______________________________ to play computer games.

30. She can speak English very well.

She _____________________________________________ speak English well.

初級英檢寫作重點整理 4

初級英檢寫作重點整理 4
1.  Though she is very beautiful, no one likes her because of her bad heart.

2.  She didn’t do well on the tests, though she studied hard last night.

3.  Although Tina is a popular girl in her class, she isn’t happy at all.

4.  She is very slim, though she eats a lot of food very day.

5.  She is not pretty at all, but every boy likes her.

6.  He is smart, but he never does well on the tests.

7.  My little brother can cook well, but he doesn’t like to eat at all.

8.  He is very busy every day, but he still help many people.

9.  Patty never studies hard, but she always gets good grades in school.

10.  The zoo is not big, but many people like to visit it.

11.  There are not many students in this school, but it is very famous.

12.  He is friendly to everyone, but no one notice his kindness.

13.  Wendy is fat, but she doesn’t eat much.

14.  The computer is not fast, but it works well to me.

15.  Ted doesn’t like to each carrots, but her mom makes him eat them everyday.

16.  The company is small, but it makes a lot of money.

17.  The test was very difficult, but every student did well on it.
18.  He has worked so hard. He can’t still be promoted as a manager. (No matter..)

19.  My sister is very young. She can’t go to college. (…..too…to..)

20.  John is planning to call his grandparents this weekend?
What _________________________________________________ this weekend?

21. Mary is going to go on a picnic on Saturday.
What _________________________________________________ on Saturday.

22.  Mr. Brown asked Mary to type a letter for him.
Mary was ____________________________________________________ for him.

23.  Mary gave her sister a beautiful notebook as a birthday present.
Mary’s sister ___________________________________________a birthday present.

24.  Give me a call after you arrive at the station.
Call me up as soon ___________________________________________________.

25.  Give me a call after you arrive the airport.
Call me up as soon ___________________________________________________.

26.  Jane is the most beautiful girl in our school.
Jane ________________________ than _____________________ girl in our school.

27.  I’ll let you know after I hear anything from Tim.
I’ll let you know as ____________________________________________________

28.  We played basketball last night.  We had a lot of fun.
We had a lot of fun ____________________________________________________

29.  My mother was busy.  My mother was cooking dinner yesterday evening.
My mother was busy ___________________________________________________

30.  He played tennis yesterday morning. He had a lot of fun.
He had a lot of fun______________________________________________________