2014年3月1日 星期六

全民英簡檢會話: 問東西 There is / There are

全民英檢會話: (四) 問東西

1. What is there in your hands now?
= There is a pencil and an eraser.

2. What are there in your pocket?
= There are some coin and cash.

3. What are there in your bag?
= There are some books, notebooks, a pencil box and, paper.

4. What are there in your school?
= There are so many things in my school such as trees, flowers, classrooms, windows, a play ground, a big field, and so on.


5. What rooms are there in your house?
= There are four bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen, three bathrooms, and one storage room in my house.


6. What are there in the living room of your house?
= There are some chairs, sofas, two tables, one TV set, and so on.

7. What are there in the kitchen of your house?
= There are some cooking equipment, a stove set, a dining table, some chair, and some pictures on the wall.


8. What are there in your bedroom?
= There are some clothes, a desk, a bed, a chair, a closet, a mirror, and so on.


9. What are there in the bathrooms in your house?
= There are somethings for cleaning such as tooth brushes, towels, a bathtub, a sink, and so on.



全民英檢會話: (問關係)

全民英檢會話: (三) 問關係

1. Who is your father?
= My father is Mr. Chuang, who is an engineer.

2. Who is your mother? 
= My mother is Mrs. Chuang Wu, who works as a nurse in Nantou Hospital.

3. Who is your older brother?
= My brother is Ju-Shu Chuang, who is a police office in Taiwan.

4. Who is your older sister?
= Actually, I don't have any sisters.

5. Who is younger sister?
= My younger sister is Shu-Ming Chuang, who is  the manager in Washington Cram school.


6. Who is your uncle?
= My uncle is Li-Ming Chuang, who has his own farm. And He works for himself.


7. Who is your aunt?
= My aunt is Fu-Men Chen, who can sew clothes very well.


8. Who is your cousin?
= I have two cousins. One is called Jin-Hau Chuang, and the other is called Jin-Ping Chuang. One is an engineer, and the other is an elementary school's principle.



9. Who is your best friend? Why?
= My best friend is Brent Chishome because he is nice to me.

10. Who is your English teacher?
= My English teacher is Melinda Chuang.

11. Who is your favorite person?
= My favorite person is my mom because she loves me so much.

12. Who is your favorite teacher?
= My favorite teacher is teacher Eve because she is funny and crazy.


13. Who is the boy or girl who sits next to you in the classroom?
= Her name is Doris Chen, who is a crazy girl.

14.Who is the most helpful person to you?
= My mother is because she always helps me with my homework.


15. Who influences you the most in your life?
= My mother is because she always tells me what to do.

16. Who do you dislike the most?
= The boy who is called Andy because he is always dirty.

17. Who do you admire the most in the world?
= My father does because he can fix almost everything.

18. Who is your favorite movie star?
= I don't have my favorite movie star and I am not any star's fan.


19. Who is your favorite singer?
= Jolin is because she works hard and she is talent.

20. Who do you talk to when you get trouble?
= I usually talk to my best friend, Jane, because she is a thoughful.


21. Who do you usually chat on line?
= I usually chat with my friends and classmates.

22. Who do you want to make a good impression of you for?
= No body. I think I just want to be who I am.

23. Who do you want to make a cake or cookies for him or her?
= My family and some of my friends do because I like them.

24. Who do you usually take a trip with?
= I usually take a trip with my family because I am still too young to go a trip with friends.


25. Who do you usually spend time with?
= I usually spend time with my family and my good friends.


26. Who blames you the most in your life?
= My parents do because they want me to be a better person.


27. Who do you usually play ball with?
= My classmates do because I only play ball during PE classes.

28. Who has borrowed the things which he or she forgot to return to you?
= Actually I don't remember anyone who borrowed my things and didn't return to me.

29. Who do you like to invite to your home?
= Some of my good friends do because I want my family to know them.

30. Who always bothers you the most?
= My younger brother does because he is so naughty.

31. Who always forgets to bring his or her things and borrows things from you?
= Shana is because she is out of her mind a lot of time.

32. Who have you borrowed things from him or her?
= I have borrwoed the things from my classmates because I am easy to forget bring things to school.


33. Who do you usually play with?
= My sister and two brothers do because my parents don't allow us to go out by ourselves.


34. Who do you want to see now?
= I want to see my English teacher because I want her to review English conversation with me.


35. Who don't you want to see now?
= Andy does because he looks dirty and he had bad manners.

2014年2月28日 星期五

全民英檢會話 : (問名字)

全民英檢會話 (二) 問名字

1. What's your Chinese name?
= My Chinese name is Shu-Cheng Chuang.

2. What's your last name?
= My last name is Chuang.

3. What's your first name?
= My first name is Shu-Cheng.

4. What's your middle name?
= I don't have any middle name.

5. What's your English name?
= My English name is Eve.

6. What's your nickname?
= I don't have any nickname.

7. Do you have a pet name? What is it?
= Yes, my pet name is E-E.

8. What's your father's name?
= My father's name is Li-Iou Chuang.

10. What's your mother's name?
= My mother's name is Guen Wu.

11. What's your younger brother's name?
= My brother's name is Rich.

12. What's your younger sister's name?
= My sister's name is Racheal.

13. What's your older brother's name?
= My older brother's name is Ju-Shu.

14. What's your older sister's name?
= I don't have any older sisters.
15. What's your best friend's name?
= My best friend's name is Brent.

16. What's your English teacher's name?
= My English teacher's name is Melinda.

17. What's your homeroom teacher's name?
= My homeroom teacher's name is Wendy Chung.

18. What's your uncle's name?
= My uncle's name is Li-Ming Chuang.

19. What's your aunt's name?
= My aunt's name is Fu-Meng Chen.

20. What are your cousins' names?
= One's name is Jen-Hau Chuang, and the other's name is Jen-Pin Chuang.


全民英檢會話: (問路)difficult

全民英檢會話(difficult one): 問路

1. How to ask someone for the direction?
= Excuse me! Do you know how to get to Taichung Train Station?

2. How to ask a police for help if you get lost in a strange city?
= Excuse me! Sir, can you show me how to go to the closest Macdonald's?

3.  Where is this place called?
= Oh, it is 仁美里. May I help you?

4. Excuse me. Do you know where the closest restroom near here is?

= Oh, you just need to walk down the street for two blocks, then you can see a department store. There are restrooms in the department store.



5. Excuse me. Do you know where the nearest bus stop is?
= Just reach the corner and turn right, then you'll see a bus stop.


6. Excuse me! Do you know where I can take the MRT to Danshiu(淡水)? 

全民英檢會話 (問職業)

英檢會話 (一)  問職業 (write down your own answers)

1. What are you?
= I am a student.

2. What do you do?
= I am a student.

3. What is your mother?
= My mother is a housewife.

4. What does your mother do?
= My mother is a house wife.

5. What is your father?
= My father is a police officer.

6. What does your father do?

=My father is a police officer.

7. What is your uncle?
= My uncle is a farmer.

8. What does your uncle do?
= My uncle is a farmer.

9. What is your aunt?
=My aunt is a nurse.

10. What does your aunt do?
= My aunt is a nurse.

11. What is your brother?
= I don't have any brothers.

12. What does your brother do?
= I don't have any brothers.

13. What is your sister?
= My sister is an English teacher.

14. What does your sister do?
= My sister is an English teacher.

15. What is your cousin?
= In fact, I don;t know.

16. What does your cousin do?
= Actually, I don't know.

17. What is your best friend?
= He is a student.

18. What does your best friend do?
= He is a student.

19. What are your grandparents?
= They don't have jobs.

20. What do your grandparents do?
= They don't work at all. They help to do house works.