2014年3月4日 星期二

康軒Hello Darbie 4 四下 Unit 2

1.房間:______________  2. 客廳:________________

3. 廚房:_____________   4. 浴室:________________

5. 飯廳:______________  6. 何處:________________

7. 在..裡面:__________    8.你的: _______________

9. 蛋糕:_____________   10. 一些:_______________


1.   lap       rap                  2.   led        red

3.   lid       rid                   4.    lag       rag

5.       living  room               dining    room

6.  ball      tall                 7.  bear       door   

8.   red      rat                 9.   door      poor

10.  room    root            


__________1. When are they?

__________2. There in the living room.

__________3. Wake up Daddy!

__________4. Oh, he's on the bedroom.

__________5. Where are Andy an Betty?

__________6. They're in living room.

__________7. Have some cakes, Darbie.

__________8. Thank you, Mrs White.

__________9. Waking up!

__________10. She is in the dinning room.


1.    are / Betty  / Andy   /  Where/   and/   ?


2.  in  /  he's   /  Oh/  ,  /  .  /  bedroom  /  in


2014年3月2日 星期日

Hello kids One 國小三年級上 Unit 4

Hello kids One Unit 4

:_______________   風箏:_________________
:_______________  蜜蜂:___________________
星星:______________ :______/_______/________
這個:______________  那個:___________________
:_______________  ;: ___________________
它是;牠是:__________  (最後有t)______________
一個: ______/ ________ 讓我看:__________________
是的:_______________  !:_____________________
:__________________  好的:___________________
(主格): _____________ (受格): _______________
(主格):_____________  (受格): _______________
謝謝: _________________  謝謝你:_________________
:___________________  知道:____________________
那是一朵花嗎? __________________________________
是的, 它是。_____________________________________
, 它是一朵花。_________________________________
這是一顆樹嗎? ____________________________________
Peter, 那是一隻蜜蜂嗎?

, 它是我. ____________________________________________
1.         And / that / what’s /  ?

2.         know / I  /  .  / don’t

3.         bee / , / Is / a / that / ? / Peter

4.         it’s  /  No  /  ,  / . / me

1.         YOU / ? / It’s

2.         this / Is / tree  /  ?  / a

3.         me /  .  / Let / see

4.         bee / Is  / this /  a  /  ?

5.         a / tree / It’s /  .

6.         it / is  /  . /  , / No / not

And what’s that?               . Yes, it is. That’s a flower.
Is that a bee, Peter?             . No, it is not a bee.
Is this a tree?                      . No, it is not a star.
Is that a flower?                  . I don’t know.
Is this a star?                       . Let me see.
________1. Is This a tree?
________2. Let’s me see.
________3. Is this an flower?
________4. I aren’t know.
________5. Is this a bees?
________6. Yes, it’s.
________7. No, it is.
________8. This’s a tree.
________9. That’s an star.
________10. Is that a bee, peter?
______1. I ________ know.
           a. doesn’t   b. do   c. don’t
______2. _______________ a bee, Peter?
           a. is that   b. Is This   c. Is that
______3. No, ________ me.
           a.  it’s  b. its   c. It’s
_______4. And ___________ that?
a.   What’s  b. What  c. what’s
_______5. Danny, __________ this?
           a. Is that   b. what’s   c. Is this

Hello Kids One 三年級上學期 Unit 3

Hello Kids  1  三年級上學期 Unit 3
好的:____________________  早安:__________________
:______________________  什麼:__________________
什麼是:__________________  /:_________________
它是/牠是:_______________  一個: _______/ __________
:_____________________  :_____________________
!:____________________  那個:____________________
!: ____________________  鉛筆:____________________
/以及:_________________  彩色筆:_________________
橡皮擦:_________________  :______________________
謝謝:__________________  謝謝你:___________________
小孩:__________________  獅子:_____________________
章魚:___________________ 猴子:_____________________
網子:____________________ 讓我們:__________________
學習:____________________  重覆:___________________
:______________________ :______________________
:______________________ :_______________________




, 它是一枝彩色筆.


____________1. What this, Andy?
____________2. Wow, it’s a book.
____________3. Cool! it’s a book.
____________4. Do your know?
____________5. Thanks you.
____________ 6. Good Morning.
___________7. What’s that Amy?
___________8. It’s a eraser.
___________9. It’s a elephant.
___________10. What’s that!
___________11. Oh it’s a marker!
___________12. Good, peter!
___________13. It’s an marker.
___________14. And What’s this?
___________15. Hey? What’s this?
___________16. It’s a book?
___________17. A book? Wow cool!
___________18. Wow, an pencil!
_______1. ______________ that?
                 a. what’s   b. whats   c. What’s
_______2. A book? Wow, ____________
                 a. bad?  b. cool!   c. thanks you
______3. Ohm __________ a pencil!
                 a. its  b. it’s   c.It’s
________4. Andy, Andy, _________ this?
                 a. What’s   b. What   c. what’s
________5. Wow, it’s a book, ________!
                 a. too   b. to   b. oh
________6. It’s ______ eraser.
a.   a  b. an  c. two
________7. And what’s ______________
                 a. this.   b. they?   c. that?
________8. A: Good!   B: __________________.
                 a. Thanks you   b. Thank your  c. Thank you
Good morning.                . It’s a ……It’s a marker.
Good!                        . It’s a book.
And what’s this?               . Oh, it’s a pencil.
What’s that?                  . Good morning.
Oh, it’s a marker!               .Good, Peter!
Hey, what’s this?               . Thank you.

sh:____ ch: ____ gh字中:_________ gh: 字尾:_____