2014年3月23日 星期日

GEPT 口說練習

1.     What are you like?
l     I am an outgoing, crazy , funny, talkative and hardworking person.
l     I am an inner, shy, quiet and hardworking person. I like to be alone most of time.

2.     What would you write in a diary if you keep a diary?
l     I would like to write down special things that I experience in my daily life.

3.     Do you write e-mails to your friends? Why or why not?
l     Yes, I do. If I have something to share with my friends, I will write e-mails to them or share on the webside of facebook.

4.     Do you write letters or send greeting cards to others? Why or why not?
l     No, I don’t. I usually write e-mails to my friends or give them greeting cards myself.

5.     Who do you admire? Why?
l     I don’t admire anyone. I believe that every one is special, and I shouldn’t admire any one at all.

6.     Do you use the Internet to keep in touch with people? Why or why not?
l     Yes, of course. I think people who live in the modern society must know using Internet is the best way to keep in touch with friends.

7.     What is easy for you to use?
l     I think many things can be easy to use such as computers, TV sets, knives, and so on.

8.     What thing is important to you? Why ?
l     Being trusted by my parents, teachers, brothers and sisters, or friends is very important to me.

9.     Do you want to see a movie now?
l     I didn’t think at all because I am doing GEPT oral test now..

10.  Can you suggest a good place for dinner? Where?
l     In my city, I would like to suggest you to the Elephant Stake House because there are many delicious dishes in this restaurant.
11.  When you have visitors, where do you take them? Why?
l     I would like to take them to Sun Moon Lake because it is a very beautiful and famous place to go.

12.  Do you like karaoke? Why or why not?
l     I don’t know because I have never tried it before.
l     Yes, I do. Because I like to sing.

13.  Would you ever go on a blind date? Why or why not?
l     No, I am still too young to go on a date, and I should focus on school work.

14.  If there is a chance for you to immigrate to another country? Where do your like to immigrate?
l     I think I might immigrate to New Zealand because the people in New Zealand have good welfare from their government.

15.  Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?
l     To some people, it is possible to fall in love at first sight, but not me because I think people should spend more time to understand each other.

16.  What is one of your country’s customs? Talk about it?
l     Children get lucky money on Chinese New Year Eve. Kids like this custom very much,

17.  Would you like to travel around the world? Why?
l     Yes, I would because I like to take trips and learn different cutures.

18.  Do you eat a lot or a little? Why?
l     I just eat a lot because I spend so much time to use my brain and energy to study.

19.  Would you like to visit Ireland? Why or why not?
l     Of couse, if I have a chance or enough money, I would like to go to Ireland because I think it must be fun.

20.  Do you ever made up stories? Why?
l     No, I don’t. I don’t have great imagination.
l     Yes, I do because I like to write stories and I hope one day I can be a writer.
21.  What kind of stories do you like best? Why?
l     The stores which sell drinks and food is my favorite stores because I like to eat a lot.

22.  What kind of stories do you like best? Why?
l     I like the stories about vampire or mysterious.

23.  How far is the closest supermarket from your home?
l     I am not really sure, but it takes me about 10 minutes to get there by car.

24.  Do you take the bus? Why or why not?
l     Yes, I do. I have to take a school bus to my school.
l     No, I don’t. I usually go out with my family to a far away place, and my father usually does the driving.
25.  How do you travel around your city ?
l     I have never traveled around my city, but if there is a chance, I will ride a bike because it is convenient and save energy.

26.  Do you like to travel by car, plane, or ship? Why?
l     Actually I think it is depend on the situation and my mood.

27.  Do you like to take a bus or a subway better? Why?
l     I will see which is more convenient and comfortable to me. If the bus stop is much closer to my home, then I will take the bus.

28.  Do you get lost often? Why or why not?
l     No, I don’t because I usually have a good sence of direction.

29.  Do you often take taxis? Why or why not?
l     No, I don’t because if I need to go somewhere is a little far, then my parents usually take me there.

30.  Do you like cheese? Why or why not?
l     Yes, I do because it tastes delicious.

31.  Do you like spicy food? Why or why not?
l     Yes, spicy food tastes good to me.

32.  What food do you enjoy eating?
I enjoy eating stake and fast food because they are yummy.

何嘉仁美語 (A) 漳和國小三下 Unit 2-3

何嘉仁美語 (A) 漳和國小三下 Unit 2-3
:______________________________   :__________________________
兔子:____________________________   烏龜:______________________
雞肉:____________________________   冰淇淋:_______________________
披薩:____________________________  沙拉:___________________________
跑步:____________________________  :______________________________
撿到: ___________________________  放下:_____________________________
1.     _____________! It’s a dog.  It’s _________________.
2.     Don’t worry. It’s my dog.
3.     _____________ ________ the cat.  _______ small.
4.     Oh! It’s __________ cat.
5.     _____________ ________ my sister.
6.     Hi, _________ are you.  _________________, thanks.
7.     This is ___________ rabbit.
8.     Is ____________ _____________ dog? No, it _________________.
9.     Is __________ _____________ dog? Yes, it is.
10.  Look at that dog! Oh, __________ big.
11.  Look at this dog. __________ small.
12.  ___________ ________ this rabbit.  ________ big!
13.  ____________ hungry, Tim. 
14.  ______________ eat, Bob!
15.  Pizza, please.   Here ________ ___________.  Thanks.
16.  Chicken?   __________, thanks.
17.  Mmm. ______________ ________ yummy.
18.  I _________________ salad.
19.  I _______________ ________________ ice cream.
20.  ___________ you like pizza?   Yes, ___________ ___________.
21.  ___________ you like chicken?  No, ___________ ____________.
22.  洗你的手:________________ ______________ ______________
23.  排餐盤:_____________ _______________ _____________
24.  傳披薩:____________________ the pizza.
25.  吃披薩: _____________ the pizza.
1.  please /   . /  ,  / the  / Pass   / pizza

2.  you   / Here  / .   / are

3.  like  /   Do  / you    /   chicken    /   ?

4.  I   /   ,   /   .   / don’t   /   No

5. like  /   cream   / Do   /  ice   /  you   /   ? 

6.  welcome   /    .   /   You’re

7.   your   /   Wash   /    .   /   hands

8.  the /   table   /   Set   /   .

9.  don’t  /   cream   /  I   /  ice    /    .    /   like

10. salad   /   .   /   I  /  like

11.  is  / yummy   /   This   /    .

12.  Tim   /   ,   /   .  /  hungry   /   I’m 

13. eat   /   Bob   /   Let’s   /   ,   /   !  

14.  don’t   /   .   ,   /   I    /  No

15.  I /  ,   /   . /   Yes   /  do

16.  is   /   rabbit   /   This   /   a   /  .

17. the  /   Look   /  cat   /  at   /   . 

18.  my  /   It’s   /   .   /  my

19.  a /  It’s  /  dog   /  !  /  Look

20.  how  /  you  /  Hi  /   ,   /  ?  /   are

1. :________________               2. 熊貓:_________________ 
3. 女王:________________             4. 紅色:__________________
5. 小考:_________________            6. 石頭:____________________
7. 太陽:_________________             8. :_____________________
9. :______________________         10. 老虎:___________________
11. 下面:____________________        12. 雨傘:____________________
13. 箱型車:___________________       14. 背心:______________________
_________ Jump.
_________ Put down the cat.
_________ Pick up the cat.

_________ Yes, it is.
_________No, it isn’t.
_________ Is that your dog?
_________Is this your dog?

_________ It’s my dog.
_________Look! It’s a dog!
_________It’s big.
_________Don’t worry.

__________ Look at the cat.
__________ Oh!
___________It’s my cat!
___________It’s small.

___________ Hi, how are you?
___________Fine, thanks.
___________ This is my sister.

___________ Let’s eat, Bob!
___________I’m hungry, Tim.

___________ Thanks.
____________ Here you are.
____________Pizza, please.

__________ Mmm.  This is yummy.
__________No, thanks.

__________ Eat the pizza.
__________ Pass the pizza.
__________Wash your hands.
__________Set the table.

__________ Thanks.
__________ Pass the pizza, please.

__________ Here you are.

康軒 Hello kids 1 One Unit 4

Hello kids One Unit 4
:_______________   風箏:_________________
:_______________  蜜蜂:___________________
星星:______________ :______/_______/________
這個:______________  那個:___________________
:_______________  ;: ___________________
它是;牠是:__________  (最後有t)______________
一個: ______/ ________ 讓我看:__________________
是的:_______________  !:_____________________
:__________________  好的:___________________
(主格): _____________ (受格): _______________
(主格):_____________  (受格): _______________
謝謝: _________________  謝謝你:_________________
:___________________  知道:____________________
那是一朵花嗎? __________________________________
是的, 它是。_____________________________________
, 它是一朵花。_________________________________
這是一顆樹嗎? ____________________________________
Peter, 那是一隻蜜蜂嗎?

, 它是我. ____________________________________________
1.         And / that / what’s /  ?

2.         know / I  /  .  / don’t

3.         bee / , / Is / a / that / ? / Peter

4.         it’s  /  No  /  ,  / . / me

5.         YOU / ? / It’s

6.         this / Is / tree  /  ?  / a

7.         me /  .  / Let / see

8.         bee / Is  / this /  a  /  ?

9.         a / tree / It’s /  .

10.    it / is  /  . /  , / No / not

And what’s that?           . Yes, it is. That’s a flower.
Is that a bee, Peter?           . No, it is not a bee.
Is this a tree?                . No, it is not a star.
Is that a flower?              . I don’t know.
Is this a star?                . Let me see.
________1. Is This a tree?
________2. Let’s me see.
________3. Is this an flower?
________4. I aren’t know.
________5. Is this a bees?
________6. Yes, it’s.
________7. No, it is.
________8. This’s a tree.
________9. That’s an star.
________10. Is that a bee, peter?
______1. I ________ know.
           a. doesn’t   b. do   c. don’t
______2. _______________ a bee, Peter?
           a. is that   b. Is This   c. Is that
______3. No, ________ me.
           a. it’s  b. its   c. It’s
_______4. And ___________ that?
a.   What’s  b. What  c. what’s
_______5. Danny, __________ this?

           a. Is that   b. what’s   c. Is this

何嘉仁美語B版 新豐五下unit 4

何嘉仁美語B 新豐五下unit 4
1.     在早上: __________________________
2.     在傍晚:__________________________
3.     在晚上:__________________________
4.     洗澡:___________________________
5.     看電視: _____________________  6. 研讀:_______________________
6.     何時:____________________  7. 通常:_______________________
8.     然後:_____________________  9. 在下午:________________________
10. 點心:_____________________  11. 等一下:______________________
12. 起床:_____________________  13. ;:_________________________
14. 所以:_____________________  15. 持續兩小時:_______________________
16. 睡覺:____________________  17. :____________________________
18. 洗澡:_____________________  19. 小徑:__________________________
20. 喉嚨:_____________________  21. 老鼠:________________________
22. :_______________________  22. 厚的:________________________
23. :_______________________  24. 月份:_______________________
1.     does / Dad / work / When / to / your / go / ?

2.     o’clock / It’s / . / ten

3.     This /  . / . / is / Mom / Bell / Pete / and / is / This / this / is /

4.     This / my / Pete / Bell / mom / is / , / . / . /

5.     Dad / a / Is / taking / shower / ?

6.     he / Yes / , / . / is

7.     your / dad / take / the / Does / shower / ? / a / in / morning

8.     does / Yes / , / . / he

9.     goes / Then / to / work / . / he /

10.  does / go / ? / work / When / he / to /

11.  goes / afternoon / to / the / He / in / work / .

12.  come / snacks / . / Kids / have / some

13.  minute / . / a / In

14.  about / Hook / How / ? / Mr.

15.  sleeps / morning / . / He / the / in

16.  the / and / shower / night / Watches / in / at / TV / a / evening / takes / .

17.  never / . / studies / He

18.  sister / morning / ? / Does / to / your / go / school / the / in

19.  doesn’t / No / , / she / .

20.  goes / evening /  the / in / she / No / to /, / . / school

21.  she / school / ? / When / go / does / to

22.  doesn’t / . / she / No / ,

23.  studies / She / the / in / evening / .

24.  the / homework / I / my / do / evening / in / .

發音 (請選出發音相同者):
________________ 1. path : a. that   b. throat  c. they
________________2. three : a. this   b. these     c. thin
________________3. teeth: a. mass   b. think    c. there
________________4. that : a. that    b. teeth     c. thin
________________5. think : a. mouse    b. bath    c. those
_______________1. The mouse is three year old.
_______________2. Three thin girls brush they teeth in the bathroom.
_______________3. Does you dad always take a shower in the morning?
_______________4. Yes, he do.
_______________5. Then he go to work.
_______________6. How about Mr Hook?
_______________7. He sleeps in morning.
_______________8. Watchs TV in the evening and takes a shower at night.
_______________9. He never study.
_______________10. Wendy mom takes a shower in the morning.
______________11. When does he goes to work?
______________12. In a minutes.
______________13. He goes to works in the afternoon.
______________14. Do your dad always take a shower in the morning?
______________15. Yes, he do.
______________16. That he goes to work.
______________17. Mom. This is Pete and this is bell.
______________18. Pete, Bell. This’s my mom.
______________19. Is Dad take a shower? Yes, he is.
______________20. Yes, he are.
______________21. Its ten o’clock.
______________22. What does they usually do?
______________23. when does he go to work?
______________24. He go work in the afternoon.
______________25. Kid, come have some snacks.
1.     Kids, _________ __________ some snacks.
2.     In a __________________.
3.     He _____________ to work in the afternoon.
4.     When __________ he go to work?
5.     ____________ your dad always __________ a shower in the morning?
6.     ____________, he does.
7.     ____________ , he does.
8.     __________ he goes to work.
9.     ___________Dad taking a shower?
10.  ___________Yes, he doesn’t.
11.  ___________ ___________ at home now.
12.  They always go shopping _________ ________________.
13.  ___________ ____________ your parents?
14.  John, Mike, ______________ going to play basketball.
15.  ___________ you want to come ___________ us?
16.  what _____________ Pete _______ on Sunday, Bell?
17.  He cleans _________ ____________ and _________ the horses _____ the farm.
18.  ____________ the horse? ___________ good!  _________ really.
19.  _________ goes shopping on Sunday?
20.  ___________ your dad always take a shower ______ _______ morning?
21.  Yes, __________ __________. __________ he goes to work.
22.  Mom. ___________ _________ Pete and __________ ________ Bell.
23.  Pete, Bell. ___________ __________ my mom.
24.  _________ Dad taking a shower? Yes, _________ _________.
25.  ____________ ten o’clock.
26.  What _________ they usually ___________?
27.  When _________ your dad _________ to work?
28.  When __________ he go to work?
29.  He ____________ to work in the afternoon.
30.  Kids, come have _______________ snacks.
31.  How ____________ Mr. Hook?
32.  He sleeps __________ __________ morning.
33.  Watches TV in the evening __________ takes a shower at night.
34.  He ____________ studies.
35.  Wendy’s dad __________ ______ work in the morning.
36.  Mr. Hook __________ a shower _______ night.
37.  When __________ she _______ to school?
38.  When __________ _________ school in the evening.
39.  ____________ your sister _______ to school in the morning? No, _________ ____________.
40.  The mouse ________ three years old.
_______1. When ______ she ___ to school?  a. do ;go  b. does;go  c. does; goes
_______2. She _______ to school in the morning.  a. go   b. going  c. goes
_______3. When ______ you _______? a. does; studies  b. do ; study  c. do; studies
_______4. _______ your sister ____ to school in the morning?     a. Does ;go
 b. Do ;go  c. Does , going
_______6. She ________ in the evening.  a. to study  b. studying   c. studies
_______7. Kids, _________ ________ some snacks. a. come have  b. com