2014年4月4日 星期五

康軒國小 Hello Darbie英語下學期漳學國小六年級第一次月考練習卷

康軒國小 Hello Darbie英語下學期漳學國小六年級第一次月考練習卷
1.國語________________ 2.英語_______________ 3.數學______________ 4.自然________________
5.美術_____________ 6.音樂_________________ 7.體育__________/____________________________
8.社會__________________ 9.無事__________________ 10.房間______________ 11._____________
12.科目______________ 13.春天_______________ 14.夏天_______________ 15.秋天_______________
16.冬天_______________ 17.暖和的_____________ 18.熱的_____________ 19.涼爽的______________
20.冷的___________ 21.最喜愛的_______________ 22.季節_______________ 23.那麼_____________
24.晚餐________________ 25.輪到______________ 26.開始_________________
1.do / like / Mulan / music / you

2.don’t / I / No

3.thanks / No

4.art / like / Do / you  

5.teach / you / I / can

6.PE / like / I

7.do / subject / What / like / you

8.for / PE / But / boys / is / girls / not / for

9.Daddy / wrong / What’s

10.sad / look / You

11.nothing / Oh

12.your / to / room / Go /

13.Mom / Yes

14.this / Look / at

15.too / I’m / old

16.a / need / Boys… / boy / we / boys…

17.worry / Don’t

18.See / can / I / a / be / boy

19.do / subject / What / like / you

20.like / you / music / Do

21.cold / Brr…. / It’s

22.it’s / now / winter / Of / course

23.it / like / I

24.winter / like / I / don’t

25.Han / your / Then / favorite / what’s / season

26.is / favorite / spring / My / season

27.from / the / Are / you / south

28.am / I / Yes

29.warm / in / spring / it / Is

30.is / Yes / it

31.too / warm / there / winter / in / It’s

32.no / come / Oh / Here / they

33.an / idea / Don’t / have / I / worry

34.love / we / Yeah / winter

35.New / It’s / Year / Chinese

36.home / goes / Han / to / Mulan’s 

37.Han / favorite / season / Mulan’s / is / winter / spring / but / likes

38.at / home / He / bad / feels / Mulan’s

39.there / in / too / It’s / cold / winter

40.is / PE / favorite / Mulan’s / subject / doesn’t / but / Han / PE / like

41. very / He / much / likes / music

42.dinner / Han / starts / After / sing / to

43.turn / bad / feel / It’s / Mulan’s / to /

1.It’s _________________ _________ ____________.Han _____________ to Mulan’s ________________.
Mulan’s ______________ _______________ is winter, _________ Han ____________ sping.
He _______________ bad ________ Mulan’s home. It’s _____________ cold there _______ winter.
Mulan’s favorite ___________ is ____________, __________ Han _______________ like PE. He ________ music ___________ _______________. _______________ dinner, Han starts _____________ sing. It’s Mulan’s ______________ to __________ bad.
2.What’s ___________ favorite season? My favorite season is winter.
3.What’s ____________favorite season? Your favorite season is spring.
4.________it warm in spring?  Yes ,_________ __________.  No, _________ ___________.
5.What’s _____________ (they)favorite season? _____________favorite season is summer.
6.What’s _____________(he) favorite season? _______________ favorite season is fall.
7.What’s ______________(she) favorite season? ______________ favorite season is winter.
8.What’s ______________(you) favorite season?  _____________ favorite season is spring.
9.____________ Han like winter?
10.__________ Han from the north?
11.____________ it cold in the south in winter?
12.What subject __________ _________like?   I__________ Chinese.
13.What subject ____________ ___________ like?    She ______________ math.
14.What subject ___________ _____________like ?     He _______________ PE.
15.What subject ____________ ________________like?     They ______________ science.
16.What subject ___________ Darbie and Judy like?        __________ ___________ PE.
17.___________ Mulan like music?
18.___________ Mulan’s mother teach he art?
19.____________ Mulan have any brothers?
1.Do you like PE?
a. Yes, _____________________. b. No,___________________.
2.What subject do you like ?(科學)

3.What subject does Mulan like?(體育)

4.What subject does Han like?(社會)

5.What subject do they like?(音樂)

6.What subject does she like?(英文)

7.What subject does he like?(中文)

8.Does Han like PE?
a.Yes,_________________________. B.No,______________________.
9.Does Mulan like music?   (不,她喜歡體育。)

10.Do you like math? (不,我喜歡英文。)

11.Does Han like PE? (不,他喜歡數學。)

12.What’s your favorite season? (春天)

13.What’s his favorite season?(夏天)

14.What’s Han’s favorite season? (秋天)

15.What’s Mulan’s favorite season ?(冬天)

16.Are you from the south?(是,我是。)














boy  enjoy  oil  join  cloudy  flower  cow  noise  south  shower  now  flower  house  mouth  toy  point 
a. 1.o_i : o_e   2.oi : o_e  3.oi : o_e  4.oi : o_e  5.oy : oa  6.oy : oa  7.oy : oa  8.oy : oa  9.ow : o  10.ow : o  11.ow : o  12.ow : o  13.ou : oa  14.ou : oa  15.ou : oa  16.ou : oa
b.發音相同打O, 發音不同打X
1.(   ) 2.(   ) 3. (   ) 4.(   )5.(   )6.(   )7.(   )8.(   )9.(   )10.(   )
11.(   )12.(   )13.(   )14.(   )15.(   )16.(   )17.(   )18.(   )19.(   )
