2014年9月22日 星期一

初級英檢寫作重點整理 2

英檢寫作重點整理 2

1.      He went to Kenting for vacation. He is not back yet. (現在完成式)

2.      She went to the UK. She is still there now. (現在完成式)

3.      My mom went to my grandparents’ house. She is not back yet. (現在完成式)

4.      I went to the USA three times. I am in Taiwan now.  (現在完成式)

5.      I will watch this movie tomorrow. (被動)

6.      I will go to the USA next year.(….for three times.)

7.      He will visit his grandparents next week. (被動)

8.      They will have a test the day after tomorrow. (被動)

9.      You will teach me math homework, won’t you? (被動)

10.  Gina and Maggy will take students for a trip next month. (..be going to..)

11.  She is going to do her homework later. (被動)

12.  They are going to wash the dog this evening. (被動)

13.  Are you going to visit Japan next year? (被動)

14.  Is Daniel going to marry Susan in three months? (Will….)

15.  Will your sister go to Paris with my parents tomorrow? (Are…..)

16.  Will Mr. and Mrs. Smith leave Taiwan tomorrow? (Are….)

17.  The house was shaking. (加入I felt)

18.  People were screaming. (加入 I heard)

19.  My little brother is crying. (I heard)

20.  Tina was dancing. (I saw)

21.  The game excites students.

= It is _______________________________________________________________

= Students _________________________________________________________
22.  The subject bores students.

= It is ________________________________________________________________

= Students ____________________________________________________________
23.  The movie interests young people.

= It is ________________________________________________________________

= Young people ________________________________________________________
24.  English interests me.

= I am _______________________________________________________________

= English _____________________________________________________________
25.  His words bore me.

= I am _______________________________________________________________

= His words __________________________________________________________
26.  The news excites me.

= I am________________________________________________________________

=The news ___________________________________________________________
27.  English interests them. (用分詞 interested 改寫)

28.  The music bored me. (用分詞bored改寫)

57. Does the movie excite you? (用分詞excited 改寫)

29.  Were they surprised at the bad news? (用動詞surprise改寫)

30.  Music interests me. (改用interested)

