2014年9月22日 星期一

英檢初級 初試 最可能考的 文法 25題

_____ 1. Taiwan, _________ is rich country, is a small island.
        a. that   b. whom   c, which    d. where

_____2. He went to the mountain ________ is called Ali.
        a. where   b. that   c. how   d. whether

_____3. I was made ________ my room by my mother.
        a. to clean  b. clean  c. cleaning   d. to cleaning

_____4. Anny heard someone __________ from the house.
        a. cried   b. cry   c. to cry   d. be cried

_____5. My class will visit _______ Kenting National Park ____ Taipei 101.
        a. both ; or    b. either ; not   c. neither ; nor    d. either ; or

_____6. The museum _________________ by American government in 1955.
        a. was build   b. was built    c. was being build   d. has been build

_____7. Since last year, we _________________ in Taipei.
        a. has lived   b. has been lived   c. lived   d. have lived

_____8. Who is the person _______ stands over there?
        a. that   b. which   c. whom   d. who

_____9. I don’t believe _______ she can do so many things in a day.
        a. what   b. how   c. that   d. when

_____10. This is the place ________ my uncle lives.
        a. which   b. where   c. what   d. when

_____11. This was the reason _______ I went to your house this morning.
        a. why  b. how   c. where  d. that

_____13. He was the second person ________ entered our classroom today.
        a. who  b. whom   c. that   d. which

_____14. My sister was the last person _________ walked out our house today.
        a. who   b. which   c. what   d. that

_____15. English ____________ by a lot of people from different countries in the world.
       a. speak   b. was speak    c. is spoken   d. was spoken

____16. I was made _____________ my own room by my mom.
       a. clean    b. to clean   c. cleaning   d. cleaned

_____17. My mom____________ before my dad came home.
       a. has cooked   b. was cooking   c. cooked    d. had cooked

_____18. She is the tallest girl in her class ___________ can be a basketball player.
       a. that    b. who    c. which   d. whose

_____19. Who is the tall man ____________ my mother is talking to?
       a. that   b. who   c. which   d. whose

_____20. Tell me ___________ she will come to the party or not?
       a. whether    b. as if     c. as soon as     d. as long as

_____21.  _________ be a baseball player, he practices playing baseball after school every day.
       a. in order to   b. To    c. so as to    d. so long as

_____22. My sister has studied so hard for the final exam ______________ get good grades.
      a. in order to   b. To     c. so that    d. such as

_____23. The USA, ________ is in the west, is a greatest country in the world.
       a. that    b. what     c. whose    d. which

_____24. Amy is ______ a pretty girl _________ most of boys in her class like her.
      a. so/ that    b. as / long     c. such / that     d. who / that

_____25. My teacher ________________ to the USA for several times.
        a. had been   b. has gone    c. has been    d. had gone
