2014年9月22日 星期一

初級英檢寫作重點整理 4

初級英檢寫作重點整理 4
1.  Though she is very beautiful, no one likes her because of her bad heart.

2.  She didn’t do well on the tests, though she studied hard last night.

3.  Although Tina is a popular girl in her class, she isn’t happy at all.

4.  She is very slim, though she eats a lot of food very day.

5.  She is not pretty at all, but every boy likes her.

6.  He is smart, but he never does well on the tests.

7.  My little brother can cook well, but he doesn’t like to eat at all.

8.  He is very busy every day, but he still help many people.

9.  Patty never studies hard, but she always gets good grades in school.

10.  The zoo is not big, but many people like to visit it.

11.  There are not many students in this school, but it is very famous.

12.  He is friendly to everyone, but no one notice his kindness.

13.  Wendy is fat, but she doesn’t eat much.

14.  The computer is not fast, but it works well to me.

15.  Ted doesn’t like to each carrots, but her mom makes him eat them everyday.

16.  The company is small, but it makes a lot of money.

17.  The test was very difficult, but every student did well on it.
18.  He has worked so hard. He can’t still be promoted as a manager. (No matter..)

19.  My sister is very young. She can’t go to college. (…..too…to..)

20.  John is planning to call his grandparents this weekend?
What _________________________________________________ this weekend?

21. Mary is going to go on a picnic on Saturday.
What _________________________________________________ on Saturday.

22.  Mr. Brown asked Mary to type a letter for him.
Mary was ____________________________________________________ for him.

23.  Mary gave her sister a beautiful notebook as a birthday present.
Mary’s sister ___________________________________________a birthday present.

24.  Give me a call after you arrive at the station.
Call me up as soon ___________________________________________________.

25.  Give me a call after you arrive the airport.
Call me up as soon ___________________________________________________.

26.  Jane is the most beautiful girl in our school.
Jane ________________________ than _____________________ girl in our school.

27.  I’ll let you know after I hear anything from Tim.
I’ll let you know as ____________________________________________________

28.  We played basketball last night.  We had a lot of fun.
We had a lot of fun ____________________________________________________

29.  My mother was busy.  My mother was cooking dinner yesterday evening.
My mother was busy ___________________________________________________

30.  He played tennis yesterday morning. He had a lot of fun.
He had a lot of fun______________________________________________________
