2014年4月4日 星期五

Let’s go 3 Unit Two part one

Let's go 3 Unit 2
Let’s go 3   Unit Two     part one
1.    :_________________  2.粉筆:_________________
3.膠帶:_______________  4.緞帶:_________________
5.膠水:_______________  6.油漆:__________________
7.:_________________ 8.剪刀:____________________
9.一些:_______________ 10.(非三單):_________________
11. (三單): ______________ 12. : _________________
13.任何 :_____________  14. 綠色:________________
15.對不起:____________  16. :____________________
17.:________________  18.這裡:___________________
19.謝謝你:________________ 20.製作:_________________
21.:____________________ 20.助動詞:_______________
21.:________________ 22.:_______________________
23.: ___________ / ___________/ ______________
24. 沒有(三單):________  25. 沒有: (非三單): _________
26. 我們:______________  27.:___________________
28.讓我們:________________ 29.分享:________________
1.           some  /  .  /  Ben  / has / paint/

2.           doesn’t  / string  / He  / have  / any/ .

3.           share /  !  /  Let’s

4.           green / I / paper / . / have / some

5.           please / ,  /  .  /  Yes

6.           you / making / ? / are  / What

7.           making / I’m / flower/ . / a

8.           don’t / I / Sorry/ No/ , / . / .

9.           have/ Do / paper/ you / ? / any / green

10.     you/ . / Here/ are
選擇( 將對的圈起來)
1.    He ( has  , have  ) some paper.
2.    They ( has  , have ) some string.
3.    She ( has  , have  ) some ribbon.
4.    You  ( has  , have ) some tape.
5.    We ( has ,  have  ) some chalk.
6.    Amy ( has , have ) some paper.
7.    It ( has  , have  ) four legs.
8.    A dog ( has  , have ) two ears.
9.    You and your classmate ( has  , have  ) green paper.
10.   My teacher ( has , have  ) some paint
11.   Ken and Ben ( has  , have  ) some purple string.
12.   What ( do  , does  ) you have?
13.   What ( do , does ) he have?
14.   What ( do , does ) she have?
15.   What ( do,  does ) they have?
16.   What ( do , does ) it have?
17.    What ( do  , does ) Ben have?
18.   What ( do , does ) Ben and Amy have?
      Ben has some paint. He doesn’t have any string. Amy and Wendy have some string, but they don’t have any paint.
1.    What does Ben have?

2.    What do Wendy and Amy have?

3.    What doesn’t Ben have?

4.    What don’t Wendy and Amy have?

Greg has some yellow paper and glue. Gina has some ribbon and string. Lily has some paint and chalk. Mike has some chalk and white paper. They want to make a kite. Let’s share.
1.    What does Greg have?

2.    What does Gina have?

3.    What does Lily have?

4.    What does Mike have?

5.    What do they want to make?

My name is Fiona. I am eleven years old. I have one younger sister and one younger brother. I have some green paper and string. I want to make a yo-yo. What about you?
1.What’s her name?

2.    How many brothers or sisters does she have?

3.    What does she have?

4.    What does she want to make?

 My name is Chino. I am nine years old. I have two older sisters. My oldest sister is smart and crazy. She likes to draw pictures and reads story books. My second sister is Bonnie. She likes to dance and sing. What about me? I like to shout and be crazy just like my oldest sister, Fiona.
1.    What the boy’s name?

2.    How old is he?

3.    How many sisters does he have?

4.    Does he have any brothers?

5.    What’s his oldest sister’s name?

6.    What’s his second sister’s name?

7.    What does his oldest sister like to do?

8.    What does his second sister like to do?
9.    How is his oldest sister like?

10.   How is his second sister like?

11.   How is Chino like?

1.    How many brothers or sisters do you have?

2.    How do you go to school?

3.    When is your birthday?

4.    What grade are you in?

5.    How many people are there in your family?

6.    How many students are there in your class?

7.    How do you go to school?

8.    How’s the weather today?

9.    What housework do you do at home?

10.   Who is your English teacher?

11.   What do you have in your school bag?

12.   What can you see in the classroom?

13.   Which school do you go to?

14.   What do you like to eat?

15.   How often do you eat fast food?

16.   What days do you usually go to school?
