2014年4月4日 星期五

南投 新豐, 平和, 康壽國小 五年級下Hello Darbie 6 Unit 3

新豐, 平和, 康壽國小 五年級下Hello Darbie 6 Unit 3
銀行:__________________  醫院:___________________
圖書館:_________________   電影院:______________
夜市:___________________ 郵局:__________________
動物園:________________  餐廳:____________________
街道:_________________  白色;_____________________
黑色:__________________ 綠色:_____________________
黃色:_________________  紅色:_____________________
1.    are / going / Where / you / ? / Aladdin

2.    going / theater / Sam / I’m / the / to / . / Uncle

3.    see / Oh/ , / . / I

4.    need / help / I / your / But / .

5. with / Come / me / .

6. the / ? / Where’s / theater

7. on / Street / It’s / Green / .

8. good / ! / Very / give / lamp / me / Now / the / to / .

9. get / out / me / first / No/ , / .

10. give / first / . / No/ , / me / it / to

11. are / going / Where / are / ?

12. to / I’m / bank / the / going / .

13. on / Street / It’s / Green / .

14. the / ? / Where / post / is / office/

閱讀, 再回答問題:
1.   John is at the library. The library is on Yellow Street. He is going to the zoo. The zoo is on Black Street.
Question 1. Where is John?
Question 2. Where is the library located?
Question 3. Where is he going to/
Question 4. Where is the zoo?

2. Uncle Sam: Where are you going, Aladdin?
  Aladdin: I’m going to the theater, Uncle Sam.
  Uncle Sam: Where’s the theater?
  Aladdin: It’s on Green Street.
  Uncle Sam: Oh, I see. But I need your help. Come with me.
  Aladdin: OK.
Question 1. Who are talking?
Question 2. Where is Aladdin going to?
Question 3. Where is the theater?
Question 4. Who needs help?
1.    Is Aladdin going to the market?    □ Yes   □ No
2.    Does Aladdin go with Uncle Sam?   □ Yes   □ No
3.    Does Aladdin give the lamp to Uncle Sam?  □ Yes  □ No

1.    ___________ __________ you going, Aladdin?
2.    __________ going to the theater, Uncle Sam.
3.    ______________ the theater?
4.    ___________ __________ Green Street.
5.    Oh, _________ __________. But I need your help. ___________ with me.
6.    Go _________ and find the lamp __________ me.
7.    A: _________ you see it?  B: Yes!
8.    __________ ___________! Now give the lamp ________ me.
9.    No, __________ me _________ first.
10.   No, _________ ________ to me first.
____________1. Where is you going, Aladdin?
____________2. I’m go to the theater, Uncle Sam.
____________3. Where the theater?
____________4. It’s in on the Green Street.
____________5. Ho, I see.
____________6. But I need you help.
____________7. Come with my.
____________8. Go in and fin the lamp of me.
____________9. Do you see its?
____________10. Very good! Now give the lamp for me.
____________11. No, gets me out first.
____________12. No, give it to my first.
辨音: (將不同的音選出來)
1. great /  glad /  glass     2. grass   /  grow  /  glue
3. glow  / glade  / grade    4. grew  / grad  / glad
1.  grad    glad      2. glass    grass
3.  grew    glue     4. glade    grade
5.  grow    glow     6. grape    glass
7.  great    glove     8. group    glow
(     )1. A: Come ________ me.  B: OK.
a.     in  b. with  c. on
(     )2. A: Please give it to me.  B: _________________.
   a.  You here are.  b. are you here   c. Here you are
(     )3. Where _________ you _____________?
   a. are ; going   b. is ; going  c. are ; go
(     )4. _________ going ________ the bank.
a.     I’m ; to  b. I’m ; for  c. Your ; to
(     )5. Where ______ the post office?
a.     are  b. am  c. is
(     )6. It’s _________ Green Street.
a.     in  b. on  c. at
(     )7. _________ ______- and find the lamp for me.
   a. Go on  b. Go in   c. Go at
(     )8. _________ you ________ it?
   a. Does ; sees   b. Does; see   c. Do ; see
(     )9. No, give it to me _____________.
   a. first  b. fire   c. off
(     )10. No, ________ me ________ first.
   a. gets ; out   b. getting; out   c. get ; out
(     )11. _______ Aladdin _________ ______ the market?
   a. Is ; going to   b. Is; going for   c. Is ; go to
(     )12. ___________ Aladdin go with Uncle Sam?
   a. Does     b. Is    c. Do
(     )13. __________ on Green Street.
   a. It’s  b. Its   c. its
(     )14. Oh, I see. _______ I need your help.
   a. But   b. but   c. because
(     )15. ____________________ the theater, Uncle Sam.
   a. I’m go   b. I’m going    c. I’m going to
