2015年9月10日 星期四



1.      John is a good doctor, isn’t he?
2.      You all like Fei Wang very much, don’t you?
1.      You haven’t finished your homework, have you?
2.      They won’t go to the party tomorrow, will they?

1.      I’m very busy, and so is Mary.
2.      You can speak English, and so can I.

【句型】: (1) 肯定直述句…,否定附加問句?
          (2) 否定直述句…,肯定附加問句?
1.      Eric is a nice boy, isn’t he?
2.      They are not Americans, are they?
3.      am your best friend, am I notaren’t I?
4.      Lisa likes to eat hamburgers and fries, doesn’t she?
5.      John and Mary don’t go to church, do they?
6.      didn’t have dinner with John last Wednesday, did I?
7.      You forgot to mop the floors yesterday, didn’t you?
8.      The Wang family will have a party next week, won’t they?
9.      Linda can’t drive a car very well, can she?
10.   She hasn’t written the letter, has she?
11.   You have learned Chinese for many years, haven’t you?
【句型】 S + never/ few/ no/ nothing/ seldom/ hardly …, 肯定附加問句?
1.      There is nothing to eat in the kitchen, is there?
2.      My mother never goes shopping on the weekend, does she?
【句型】 too … to …  → 【太而不能
1.      The cup of tea is too hot to drink, isn’t it?
【句型】 (1) 表示「請求」的祈使句,不論肯定或否定,附加問句用  → will you?
         (2) 表示「邀請」對方吃、喝東西,附加問句用  → won’t you?
1.      Please read the story for us, will you?
2.      Please don’t close these windows, will you?
3.      Have some fruit and cakes, won’t you?
【句型】 (1) Let’s …, shall we?
         (2) Let us …, will you?
1.      Let’s go to the movies after class, shall we?
2.      Let us play video games after doing homework, will you?
【句型】 (1) Let’s + VR   → 【表示邀請對方一起從事某種活動】
         (2) Let us + VR  → 【表示懇求對方,讓自己從事某種活動,並未邀請對方】
1.      Let’s play softball after class, John.
2.      Let us go swimming on Sunday, Mom.
【句型】 (1) this, that, child, baby,不定詞,動名詞  → 【附加問句用it
         (2) these, those, people                  → 【附加問句用they
1.      This is your new English teacher, isn’t it?
2.      Driving carefully in the big city is very important, isn’t it?
3.      Those aren’t your new magazines, are they?
【句型】 從屬子句 + 主要子句.  → 【附加問句必須根據主要子句來形成】
1.      If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go to the park, will we?
2.      We all like the girl because she is very beautiful, don’t we?
