2014年5月8日 星期四

朗文c 版 Fly High 2 unit 3

朗文c   Fly High 2  unit 3
1.    雞肉:________________  2. 冰淇淋: ___________
3.披薩:_______________ 4.沙拉:________________
5.飢餓:_______________ 6.這裡:_________________
我是:_________________ 8.謝謝:________________
9.好吃:_________________ 10.:_________________
11.喜歡:________________ 12.不喜歡:_______________
13.:________________ 14.你的:___________________
19.:__________________ 20. 太陽:___________________
21.:___________________ 22. 下面:_________________
23.老虎:________________ 24.箱型車:_________________
25.背心:________________ 26.雨傘:___________________
1.           please / , / . pizza / the / Pass

2.           you / Here / are / .

3.           don’t / , /./ No/ I

4.           you / chicken / Do / like / ?

5.           like / cream / Do / ice / you / ?

6.           you / . / Thank

7.           welcome / You’re / .

8.           salad/ . / I / like

9.           like / don’t / I / cream / ice / .

10. do / Yes / , / . / I
11. thanks / , / . / No

12. please / , / . / Pizza

13. is / . / This / yummy

14. Tim / , / . / hungry / I’m

15. please / , /. / Pass / pizza / the

16. your / at / Look / watch/ .

17. chicken / How / about / ?

18. you / pizza / Do / like / ?

19. ask / your / , / . / Now / friend

20. Yes / No / Circle / or / .
1.    _____________ ________ your book.
2.    ________ you like pizza?
3.    _________ about chicken?
4.    Circle _______________ or ______________.
5.    _____________ you like pizza?
6.    No, I _________________.
7.    _____________ the pizza, please.
8.    _________ you ________ chicken?
9.    _________, I don’t.
10.   A: Here __________ __________. B:  Thanks.
11.   A: Thank ___________. B: _____________ welcome.
12.   Pass the salad, ________________.
13.    I ____________ like ice cream.
14.   Mmm. __________ _______ yummy.
15.   ___________ hungry, Tim.
16.   ____________ eat, Bob!
____________1. Here are you.
____________2. Pizza please.
____________3. No, thank.
____________4. Mmm. This’s yummy.
_____________5. I’m hungry Tim.
_____________6. Lets eat, Bob!
_____________7. I like Salad.
_____________8. Wash you hands.
_____________9. Set the tables.
_____________10. Pass a pizza.
_____________11. Eat the pizzas.
_____________12. Lets eat, Bob!
_____________13. I’m hungry?
_____________14. I do n’t like ice cream.
(     )1. ___________ hungry, Tim.
      a. It   b. I   c. I am
    )2. ________ you _________ chicken?
      a. Do ; likes   b. Do ; like   c. Does ; like
(     )3. Mmm. ______________ Yummy.
a.    This’s  b. This are  c. This is
(     ) 4. _________________, Bob!
a.    Lets eat  b. Let’s eat  c. let’s eat
(     )5. _________________ ice cream.
    a. I don’t   b. I dnon’t    c. I am not
(     )6. _______________ chicken?
    a. This is   b. What is   c. How about
(     )7. Pizza __________________.
    a. please   b. , Please   c. , please
(     )8. No, _______________.
    a. I doesn’t  b. I do    c. I don’t
(     )9. ______________ the pizza, please.
    a. pass  b. Pass   c. To pass
(     )10. ___________ welcome.
a.    You’re  b. Your  c. You
(     )11. ____________ ask your friend.
   a. Now   b. now   c. Now,
(     )12. Here ___________________.

   a. am I   b. is he   c. you are
