2014年5月8日 星期四

何嘉仁國小美語 B版 新豐國小四年級 第三次月考練習卷

何嘉仁國小美語 B版 新豐國小四年級   第三次月考練習卷
1.想要______________ 2._____________ 3.(一顆)蘋果________________ 4.(一根)香蕉______________
5.(一些)________________ 6.(一些)蛋糕_____________ 7.idea____________ 8.picnic_______________
9.there_______________ 10hungry_______________ 11.what about______________ 12.五十六__________
13.五十七_____________ 14.五十八______________ 15.五十九_______________ 16.六十______________
17.馬上______________ 18.能;會______________ 19.幫忙_______________ 20.當然________________
21.唱歌_______________ 22.跳舞_______________ 23.畫畫________________ 24.跳繩_______________
25.either______________ 26.晚的_________________
1.is sunny . It

2. go the . Let’s to park

3.idea ! Good

4.have picnic . Let’s a there

5.hungry . am I

6.some rice I . want

7.Ted would , eat What you to ? like

8.and an eat two . I like would to eggs apple

9.you Peter what ? about ,

10.eat cake would I like to . some

11.rope ! Ted can . Look jump

12.Peter Can ? , jump you rope

13.can I , Yes .

14.sorry  can’t . I . I’m

15.OK . That’s

16.either . rope jump , can’t I

17.can sing But ! I
18.too , Me .

19.can I . And dance

20.sing Let’s dance and

1.What would you like to eat, Ted?(一顆蘋果和一些蛋糕)

2.What would you like to eat?(二顆蛋和一些飯)

3.What would you like to eat , Andy?(一根香蕉和二顆蘋果)

4.What would you like to eat?(一些飯和一個蛋)

5.What can you do?(唱歌)

6.What can you do?(跳舞)

7.Can you dance?()

8.Can you sing?(不會)

9.What can you do?(跳繩)

10.What can she do?(畫畫)

11.What can he do ?(跳舞和唱歌)

12.Can she dance?(不會)

13.Can he sing?()

1.(   )________ go to ____park.     A. Let ; X   B. Let’s ; X     C. Let’s ; the
2.(   )Let’s _________ a picnic there.     A. has      B. have     C. go
3.(   )I want _______ rice      A. a    B. an      C. some
4.(   )What _______ you  _____ to eat ?     A. want ; like    B. would ; likes   C. would ; like
5.(   )I would ________ _____ eat some cake.   A. like ; to    B. like ; eat     C. Would ; to
6.(   )I want ______cake.       A. Some    B. some      C. an
7.(   ) I would like to eat ______ apple and _____egg.     A. an ; a      B an ; an      C. a ; an
8.(   )Would you like _________, too?         A. an   B some      C. a
9. (   )_________ you help me?       A. Can       B. can       C Do
10.(   )Ted can _________rope.     A jump     B jumps      C. jumping
11.(   )Can you _______ rope?       A. jumps      B. jumping        C jump
12.(   )Ted________ dance.           A. cans      B Can       C.can
13.(   )I’m sorry. I_________.       A. cann’t.       B can’t      C. cant
14.(   )I can, _________.        A. either        B. too        C. to
15.(   )He can’t, __________.          A. too       B. to      C. either
16.(   )Let’s ___________and ____________.     A. sing ; dance   B. sings ; dances  C. singing ; dancing
17.(   )I’m hungry. I want some____________.   A. eggs      B. water      C. an apple
18.(   )I’m thirty. I want some ____________.    A. rice      B. juice      C. cake
19.(   )Fifty-two and five _____fifty- seven.      A are    B. is      C. am
1.nut(  )mule     2. cup(  )sun     3. hug(  )huge     4. sun(  )cube   5. duck(  )duke
6.mad(   )made    7. sit(  )side      8.hen(  )here      9. top(  )hot     10.bus(   )but
11.sat(  )map    12. web(   )we       13. hip(  )hide     14.red(  )rat     15. rod(  )rope
16.gun(  )gum     17.big(  )pig       18. tap(  )tape      19.Pete(   )pet     20. cut(  )cute
1.Let go to the park.                               2.Let’s have picnic there.

3.What would you like eat, Ted?                     4. I would like to eat two egg and an apple.

5.What about your?                               6.I would to eat some cakes.

7. I hungry.                                      8. I wants some cake.    

9. I would like to eat a banana and a cake.              10.Can you jump rope, peter?

11. Yes, I can’t.                                    12. I sorry. I can’t.

13.That’s ok.                                      14.I can’t jump rope, too.

15.I can jump rope, either.                           16. I can dances.

1._________________ 2._______________ 3.________________ 4._________________ 5.______________
6._________________ 7._______________ 8.________________ 9._________________ 10._____________
11.________________ 12._______________ 13._________________ 14.______________ 15.____________
16._______________ 17._______________ 18.________________ 19._____________ 20._______________
21._______________ 22._________________ 23.______________ 24._______________ 25._____________
