2014年11月7日 星期五

高中文法: 介係詞 to+名詞/ving

口訣: 除了期盼, 為了偏好, 致力反對, 注意習慣

除了: in addition to               = besides
期盼: look forward to            = anticipate

為了: with a view to  

       = with an eye to

偏好: Prefer Ving to Ving  = prefer to V rather than +v

致力: devote oneself to / dedicate oneself to / commit oneself to

反對: object to 

           = be opposed to                      = oppose
注意: pay attention to
          = attend to                                  = take heed of  = heed

習慣:  be used to
          = be accustomed to
          = adapt to
          = adjust to

