2014年10月13日 星期一

高中文法 as if的用法

高中文法As if 的用法

1. He talks as if he is drunk.   (現在式直說法)
他說話的樣子像是他喝醉了。 *(有喝醉的樣子, 不是假設)

2. He talks as if he were drunk.    (與現在事實相反的假設法他說話的樣子像喝醉酒的人的樣子. *(他並沒醉, 只是像喝醉的樣子)

3. He talks as if he had been drunk. (現在動作+過去的非事實他現在說話的樣子, 好像他之前有喝醉的樣子(感覺像說話前已喝醉, 但實際之前沒喝醉。)

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4. He walked as if he was drunk.   (模糊說法: 可以是過去直說過去假設都有可能, 要由前面 or後面文章內容來決定, 是否是直說句子, 或假設的句子
例如1.: He played a tippler in the show, so he walked as if he was drunk.
他在這節目裡, 扮演了一個酒鬼, 所以他走路的樣子像喝醉了一樣. (這裡所提的當然是過去式直說法, 因為他在戲裡是酒鬼, 所以走起路來就是酒鬼的樣的. 應該說是有喝醉. )

例如2: He talked with his mouth full, his words sounded very ambiguity.  He talked as if he was drunk.
他邊吃東西邊說話(嘴裡滿滿的食物)說得很不清楚。他説話像喝醉了一樣. (他沒喝醉.)
*** 其實, 在考試時, 這樣出題是有爭議的, 如果沒有前後文, 但句子是這樣造的話, 並不完全 (所以, 可以找老師討論, 老師要表達的語意是什麼)
“The one-month-old baby opened the book as if he was able to read.”
那ㄧ個月大的嬰兒打開書的樣子就像他會閱讀一樣. (這句話, 語意很明顯是嬰兒不會讀, 但打開書的動作很像會讀。除非他不尋常, 不過老師應該不是表達一個不尋常的嬰兒)
結論: 如果老師萬一出這樣的題目, 那麼應該是要表達, 假設語氣, 所以選題偏向:
 “He talked as if he was drunk.”
他說話的樣子彷彿他喝醉了. (他並沒有醉, 只是像喝醉。但老師應該用 : “He talked as if he were drunk.”會比較洽當)

Mary talked as if she knew the truth.  (一樣是模糊句型, 過去直說或過去假設都有可能, 要藉由前後文來區分)

(     )1. He walked as if he ______ drunk. (複選)  (單選)
      a. had been   b. has been   c. was    d. was been
答案為: 複選時: a/ c / 單選時: a 比較安全, 除非c. were, 這時單選為 c

(     )2. Tina failed her test, but she acted as if everything ______ fine.
      a. is been   b. has been   c. were   d. was
      Tina考試不及格, 但她確像沒事一樣. (其實她應該難過的)
答案為: c
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He walked as if he were drunk. (過去非事實, 假設而已,所以沒醉。)
6. He walked as if he had been drunk.  (用過去完成式, 表是之前他沒有醉。)
7.  Mary talked as if she had known the truth. (過去假設, 過去非事實, 也就是她之前並不知道實情。)
1. They stared at me as if I were crazy.

(I’m not crazy, but people looked at me like I was crazy.)

2. A: “I heard that you’re going out with Alex!”
As if!” (= As if I would go out with him, as if that would happen)

3. Someone called her fat today. As if her self-esteem isn’t low enough.
 ( her self-esteem is really low; calling her fat will lower her self-esteem even more)

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I am a simple person with a simple life.