在關係代名詞裡, 所謂的 "準關係代名詞" 應該是就另人混淆的, 除此還要很用力的去記住它, 而要記住的方法, 不外乎 |" 造句".
(一) Than 的用法
條件1: than 當作 (關係代名詞)時, 先行詞前的 形容詞或副詞 一定有 比較級.
條件2: than 可以當作是( 關係代名詞)中的 主詞或 受詞.
例句1: (than 當主格)
She bought more food than was able to be eaten.
此句的 more 是比較級, 解為: She bought more food 她買較多的食物.
than 是關係代was 的主詞, than was able to . 此句的 was able to 是 "能夠" , was able to +被動語態 (be eaten) 因為食物是被吃, 所以用被動語態, 整句的意思 是: ( 她買的食物多過她所能吃的.)
例句2: (than 當受格)
She bought more dresses than I could afford.
* more 為比較級, than 為afford 的受格. Afford + 洋裝
affort提供得起, more dresses than 比.....過多的洋裝
I could afford. 我提供得起.
所以整句的意思為: 她買的洋裝超過我能負擔得起. 這意思是, 我負擔不起她買的洋裝.
(二) as
關係代名詞 : as的用法有幾個條件:
條件 1: 用在非限定用法.
條件2: 先行詞是一個句子, 而不是一個名詞.
條件 3: as 可以放在 "主要子句" 的前面和後面, which 只能放在 "主要子句"的後面.
條件4 : as 後面若有 be-V 可以省略, 但是 which 後面的 beV 不可省略.
Michael Jackson was a great singer in 21 century , which / as every knows.
= As every one knows, Michael Jackson was a great singer in 21 century.
As (was) expected, the weight lifter from Taiwan broke the world record in weightlifting item.
I am a simple person with a simple life.